UMass Boston

Student Employment


Student Employment Services (SES) 找一份既能帮你支付大学学费又能专心学习的工作. SES 是招生管理处的经济援助服务的一部分吗, located on the 4th floor of the Campus Center. SES uses the Handshake website to list all of the opportunities available in the Federal Work-Study and Non-Work-Study (Institutionally Funded) programs, including community service opportunities

免责声明:学生就业服务中心保留修改和更新学生就业指引的权利, regulations, policies and procedures, as needed and without notice, to comply with governmental and University regulations. 请记住,握手网站上列出的公司与澳门新葡新京官方没有任何关联. 虽然我们尽一切努力确保信息来自安全来源, use your discretion when reviewing employment opportunities.

Employment Categories

Hiring Process For Students

What is a Student Employee?

A UMass Boston Student Employee is a student that holds a part-time, non-benefited position with the University or its partners. 职位可能仅限于符合勤工俭学条件的学生或符合非勤工俭学条件的学生. 学生雇员通常在校园的学术办公室和学生服务部门工作,以协助每个部门的运作. 学生也可以在校外为当地组织和公共服务机构工作.

Eligibility Requirements

  • 除夏季学期外,学生在就业期间必须积极参加课程. Review the terms of Eligibility for Student Employment Eligibility
  • Federal Work-Study -学生必须符合资格并获得联邦勤工俭学奖
  • Non-Work-Study (Institutionally Funded) - Open to all eligible actively enrolled students

Types of Work

  • 学术、行政和学生服务部门的校内职位
  • 校外社区服务和当地企业的勤工俭学职位
  • Off-campus part-time and seasonal jobs with local businesses

How to Apply

Students should set up an account on our online job portal, Handshake, to view the job listings. Follow the application procedures provided on each job listing.

Pay Rates

Student employees are paid on an hourly wage. 按每个职位的薪级水平计算的薪金比率:

  • Pay Grade Level II: ($15/hr)
  • Pay Grade Level III: ($15.25-$15.50/hr)
  • Pay Grade Level IV: ($15.75-$16.75/hr)

After being hired, what’s next?

  • Once SES receives the request from the hiring department, 学生将收到一封电子邮件,说明如何完成所需的就业前文书工作. Review this Student Pre-Employment Checklist for an overview. 一旦提交文件,由SES进行评估,然后转发给HR进行批准.
  • Students should not start work until they receive an authorized start date from SES.
  • 所有学生员工每两周通过直接存款的方式支付工资. 这是学生的责任,以确保他们的时间报告准确. 

Conditions of Employment and Expectations of a Student Employee

  • 学生员工应该尽最大努力完成自己的工作,并以礼貌和专业的方式向其他学生展示自己, staff, faculty, and the public.
  • 学生员工应遵守其工作部门的政策,并在出现问题时向主管寻求澄清.
  • Student employees are expected to follow the guidelines in Student Employment Eligibility.

Hiring Process For Supervisors


View the Hiring Manager Checklist  for an overview of the process.

How to Post a Job

The hiring department will need to review and complete this job description form 哪些细节突出了该职位的责任和职责. 学生就业服务(SES)将根据表格上提供的信息评估薪酬职系水平,并生成一个职位编号.

Jobs Posting and Interview Process

Student positions are listed via the online job portal, Handshake. 学生将按照职位描述上的说明进行申请程序. 部门可以选择他们选择的候选人进行面试,一旦做出决定,就会向被选中的候选人发出邀请. Departments will need to submit the Candidate Selection Form to initiate the paperwork and payroll process.

Pre-Employment Process

学生就业服务收到候选人甄选查询后, 在开始工作之前,学生将被告知填写就业前所需的文件. 在完成就业前的文书工作之前,学生不允许工作. 一旦学生就业服务中心确认学生的工作资格,该部门将收到一封确认电子邮件,其中包含可开始就业的授权开始日期.

Electronic Personnel Action Form (ePAF)

本系在收到学生就业服务中心的电邮确认后,会将ePAF招聘表格递交. ePAF应按照确认书上的时间表日期及时提交. ePAF review may take up to two weeks to process.

Timesheets and Payroll

院系必须保存学生每周工作时数的可核实记录. 考勤表必须由主管审核,并由部门计时员每周输入人力资源部门. All timesheets must reflect true and accurate hours worked. 伪造考勤表是一种欺诈行为,违反了大学的政策. 勤工俭学学生的考勤无法核实或记录不当的小时数将作为非勤工俭学小时数记入部门. 本部门有责任确保所有工时表准确并及时提交. 可以通过人力资源办公室申请HR Direct的考勤访问权限.

Conditions of Employment - Supervisors

  • 招聘部门需要在每个学生职位上提交一份职位描述表,然后才能发布或提供给学生.
  • 部门不能允许学生在完成就业前的文书工作和收到授权的开始日期之前工作. 
  • 院系负责提供必要的培训和资源,以帮助学生成功完成他们的工作. 各院系应与学生一起审查其办公室政策,并鼓励进行评估并提供建设性反馈,以帮助学生的表现和行为改善.
  • 各院系必须及时提交课程表,以防止学生拖欠学费.
  • 各部门必须保持准确的时间表记录,并监控勤工俭学平衡或部门预算,以防止超支.